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Water Survival Boxes

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Heather West, a member at Wimborne Methodist Church has, over recent months hosted coffee morning at her home in order to raise money for Water-Survival Box, which is charity also supported by Wimborne Rotary Club.

The boxes are designed for families of five and have an aqua filter which is capable of converting contaminated water into safe drinking water.

These boxes are sent to disaster areas for families who have suffered the loss of their homes, together with all possessions, following man-made or natural disasters. Included in the red boxes are items for hygiene, eating and drinking, and simple tools to assist in survival during the first few weeks and months after such disasters.

Rotary Clubs, together with the Red Cross and other agencies endeavour to get these boxes to survivors within a few days to protect against water -borne diseases. The cost of each box covers the water purification kit, all contents and air freight to disaster areas.

The pictures show Heather presenting a cheque for £300, which will purchase two boxes, to Brian Dryden from Wimborne Rotary Club and who is also a member of Broomhill & Colehill Methodist Church. Some of the ladies who regularly support Heather's coffee mornings are also shown.

For more detail on the Water Survival Boxes click here:


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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