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Wimborne's Folk Festival Weekend

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Wimborne's Folk Festival Weekend 11th & 12th June 2016

The Folk Festival takes place over the second week of June each year. The town is packed with colourful dancers, musicians, street market stalls and onlookers! The Methodist church takes an active part in these festivities, with stalls and refreshments, and weather permitting, an ecumenical outdoor service on-the Minster Green on Sunday.

The following pictures give you a flavour of the whole weekend, both on the church premises and in the town:

  • Cake Stall – always very popular and which sells out quickly!
  • Refreshments all day long – morning coffee, light lunches and afternoon teas
  • To celebrate the Queen's 90th Birthday, the minister and her helpers gave away copies of the book 'The Servant Queen and the King she serves'
  • The Litter Pickers calling in for their tea break!
  • 'Oil and Water' – a community art group – displaying their work in the sanctuary
  • The Morris Dancers
  • Wimborne Militia

Unfortunately, the Sunday service had to be held in the Minster because of inclement weather!

To see more photographs, please look at the Gallery


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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