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Holtwood Methodist Church has been described as a "Spiritual Oasis" set in a beautiful rural location a few miles north of Wimborne in Dorset. Our aim is to serve God in our community and beyond, to help to spread the Good News that Jesus is alive today and that, through faith in him, we too can enjoy life eternal. The great commission given to Christians by Jesus is that we must take this Good News to everyone – so that we may all decide for ourselves whether we are on Jesus' side or against him – for there is no middle road!

Holtwood is an evangelical Christian fellowship, where we seek to experience the power and presence of God's Holy Spirit in our lives, both individually and collectively. In response to the grace of God we try to live our lives in His service, both in the church and the communities in which we live. We believe in the active power and presence of Jesus, which is freely available to everyone who turns to Him. In these modern times we know that Jesus brings love, joy and peace to our busy lives, and we experience this in our worship and fellowship. We believe in the living Word of God in the Bible, and in the real power of prayer. We believe that Jesus holds the answers to life's questions, and has a plan for each one of us.


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

Visitors Today 5 / September 120

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© 2014 – 2024 Christchurch & Wimborne Methodist Circuit
Responding to the gospel of God's love in Christ