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Sunday Services for February

2nd February: Revd. Deborah Cornish, Cafe Church
9th February: Mr Phil Collins
16th February: Revd. Deborah Cornish, Holy Communion
23rd February: Revd. David Vincent

Weekday Holy Communion

20th February at 11am held in the Stour Room

Diary Dates for February

Knit and Natter Tues 11th and 25th February @ 2.00 pm:

Film Night Friday 28th @ 7.00 pm: Title to be announced

The Christian Aid Quiz will be held this Sunday, 26th January at our church at 7.30pm. All are welcome. Come as a team of 4 or just turn up. Teams can be made up on the night. Prizes to be won. Entry is free – coffee and tea available – Donations welcome. Come along and join the fun!

Future dates for your diary

Afternoon concert Saturday March 8th @2.30pm at our church.

Viva Voce will be featuring music from a wide range of genres such as Glenn Miller and the Beatles, popular classical pieces and medleys from musicals.

Admission free but donations to Methodist charities and church funds gratefully received! Please tell your friends or email them the poster attached with this Newsletter.

I am Mark Friday 21st March 2025 7pm. At our church. This is a dramatic retelling of St Mark's Gospel performed by Stefan Smart which has received really positive reviews across the country and been performed at the Edinburgh Fringe.

Circuit ServiceWednesday 25th June at at Holtwood
If you would like to be involved, as a musician, singer, prayer leader, thespian, reader or anything else, then you'd be most welcome. Please contact Peter Aston if interested:

News from Future Pillars Zambiaand The Family Future Community School, Kabwe

Headteacher Rev. Moses Kopa writes: After commencing the construction of the new classroom block, it has taken an unexpectedly long time to get to the current 'nearly-but-not-quite-finished' stage. The block was opened with a wonderful celebration of success and hope for the future. However, there are two remaining classrooms in which the work is not yet finished (they are top right in this picture). The remaining work is dependent on local funding, and the relevant committee has recently released the money, so we hope to see the contractor on site very soon.

Reflections by a Grade 12 Leaver

Natasha Shambko joined FFCS in Grade 8 and enjoyed her time at school making many friends. Her favourite subject was Physical Education, with netball being her first love. She also enjoyed Civics Education and the opportunities this subject gave for active discussion on a wide range of issues. She was pleased with her Grade 12 results and plans to study Agriculture with emphasis on plants rather than animal husbandry. She would be happy to study anywhere, but if possible at The Natural Resource Development Centre in Lusaka. She just wanted to say: "Thank you for what the school has done for me. It has done a lot".

Christian Aid news

The Christian Aid lunch held at our church on Christmas Eve raised £750, a wonderful sum.

Lent lunches An early reminder this year's 6 Lent lunches will be held as usual on Tuesdays in Lent beginning March 11th, through to 15th April. The first one will be at our church. Please consider supporting theses.

Linda Bennett
On behalf of the Stewards



Registered Charity No. 1148455

Get In Touch

Revd Andrew Pottage

Visitors Today 10 / February 161

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© 2014 – 2025 Christchurch & Wimborne Methodist Circuit
Responding to the gospel of God's love in Christ