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Wimborne Food Bank

wb food bank

One of our members, Margaret Shortall, is a volunteer at the Wimborne Food Bank each week and she has sent this report:

The Wimborne Food Bank thanks everyone who has supported it during the 'lockdown months,' through donations of food and money. It has been a busy time but people and businesses have been amazingly generous.
Already this year 557 Food Parcels which have fed 1,598 people and 91 School Holiday Parcels have been given out. 112 Food Parcels have been delivered to people self-isolating or who are single parents and find it difficult to get to the Community Centre. In addition to the Food Parcels, grants have been secured to give out 165 Recipe Bags containing fresh ingredients and 80 Activity Bags to Children, Families or people who live on their own.
All these things have made a huge difference to the Food Bank clients.

Thank you,


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

Visitors Today 10 / December 30

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