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4th FPZ Container

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4th fpz container

Future Pillars Zambia – latest news received from Barry and Becky Gransden

"We are continuing the collecting, recording, packaging and packing of the 4th container bound for our project in Kabwe, Zambia. The attached photo is proof that we are 90+% full. Recent progress has been made courtesy of the closure of a couple of small independent schools – the long period of austerity was hard enough with parents having to 'consider their financial options' and lockdown has been the last straw.

Whatever our views on private education, the closure of any school is a very sad thing. It is important to say that this dark cloud has had a silver lining for the children in Zambia, with riches beyond our expectations.

Whilst we are in no hurry to get the container on the water, we are still keen to source furniture and resources for Science....... particularly lab stools. If you think you may be able to help us with this, please let us know – yes, we will sort the transportation if necessary. We will make room for them, even if it means taking other items off that are a lower priority."

You can contact Barry (Trustee of Future Pillars Zambia) by email


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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