Sunday 21 July 2019 was a very full day for Alison! On her last Sunday in the circuit, Alison began by attending Wimborne's Hi Ten and together they looked at when Jesus said, " I am ".
The children presented Alison with three gifts, a bible verse chosen by them, coloured and made into a hanging picture; a glittery journal for notes; and some chocolates. The Hi Ten children, parents and helpers then joined the Wimborne congregation for the end of their service.
Here, Alison was presented with gifts by Elizabeth Bloxham on behalf of the Wimborne congregation. Alison loves to have pictures of places where she has lived, so there was a picture of the Badbury Rings avenue of trees – her "commute to work!" and another picture across the meadows looking towards the Minster. These were accompanied by a cheque.
The afternoon saw Wimborne church packed with people from across the circuit, together with clergy from Blandford. Revd Nigel Deller led the service, with hymns and readers chosen by Alison. Lead Circuit Steward, Mrs Chris Lusher, presented Alison with a cheque on behalf of the Circuit and Revd David Ellis presented her with a gift from the CLT. There were many words of encouragement and good wishes as Alison takes up her new post at Central Hall, Westminster in September.
Afternoon tea was enjoyed by all following the service.