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Ascension Day Service 2024

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Will it? Won't it? That is the question most frequently asked when an open-air event is suggested. But on Thursday 9th May the sun shone and Holtwood Methodist Church in the heart of the Dorset countryside proved to be the perfect setting for the Circuit Ascension Day service.

Folk from around the Circuit gathered to share fellowship over a picnic tea and then participate in an uplifting service prepared and led by Peter Aston. A joyful atmosphere enveloped the congregation with passersby on horseback, on foot and by car taking an interest in the proceedings.

We met as God's people to share in an event in the Christian calendar that is not often celebrated – the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ. Chris Slade, in his talk, asked us to ponder on Christ's returning to heaven in preparation for the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

After an excellent service we left feeling uplifted, encouraged by the hymns, the prayers, the readings, the message, and time spent with fellow Christians, witnessing to the outside world that our God is very much alive and active.

Heartfelt thanks go to everyone at Holtwood Church for their warm welcome and thoughtfulness in making sure we had everything we needed, including opening the church, so we had use of the toilet facilities.

People asked would we be doing this again next year and the answer was a resounding yes. So please make sure you put May 29th 2025 in your diaries, and nearer the time we will announce where we will gather.


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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Responding to the gospel of God's love in Christ