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Blandford Georgian Fayre

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On May Bank Holiday Blandford Forum hosted it's 26th Georgian Fayre and as on previous occasions the Methodist Church opened its doors to those visiting the event. On sale were tea, coffee, squash, homemade cakes, filled rolls and a book stall. The cake stall was a delight to behold filled with an amazing array of delicious looking and tasting cakes. That old saying many hands make light work proved to be true with generous offers of help from many in our congregation including our Minister Gwyneth who was a dab hand at making egg sandwiches.

With the weather being very warm, no fairground rides close by to attract people from the main street, as well as lots of other eating establishments vying for business, sadly our takings were down on previous years. However those who did come and visit the church received a warm welcome and rather than rushing about we had the time to sit and chat which went down well. We raised £188-48 for Christian Aid and into the bargain.

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Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

Visitors Today 2 / October 333

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Responding to the gospel of God's love in Christ