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Blandford Local Arrangement March 2023

bmc local arrangement  altar

Like all the churches in the Circuit, the folk at Blandford are getting used to preparing and taking part in Local Arrangement services. For the 3rd Sunday in Lent a service from Roots was used, entitled 'Journeying Towards Easter'.
As a relatively small congregation, many of those gathered were involved in this act of worship, each participating with great enthusiasm and sharing with others the various talents they possess.
The stories told were based on reflections by several characters from the Bible as they travelled towards Easter sharing something of their personal journeys and the choices they faced along the way.
After each character had spoken a candle was lit. These were placed around a larger candle on a beautifully decorated altar.
Interspersed between the reflections and Bible readings were carefully chosen hymns and prayers. God is good and our hour of worship proved to be a blessing and a joy.


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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