On Friday 12th April almost sixty folk sat down to the Lunch Club Easter Dinner at Blandford Methodist Church. The tables were laid in Easter colours with each place setting having a chocolate bunny and an Easter card. Those gathered tucked into chicken breast, roast potatoes, stuffing, gravy and vegetables followed by homemade trifle, which all went down a treat.
However before the Lunch began the Easter Bonnet competition took place. Several members had decorated Easter bonnets and those who had prepared lunch kindly agreed to do the judging. After much deliberation it was unanimously agreed that the only gentleman who had entered the event was the winner. Neville was presented with his prize and everyone received a round of applause for all their hard work. Gifts were also given to Hannah and Margaret for their continuous support throughout the year.
Lunch club meets every Tuesday and Friday at 12:30. Come along for a good meal and plenty of friendly chat. It only cost £3 and there is no need to book.