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Blandford Lunch Club says farewell to Alison

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Adorning the walls of Blandford Methodist Church Hall on Tuesday 16th July was a banner saying 'Sorry you are Leaving'. This had been put up for Alison whose last Lunch Club this would be. Forty-three folk gathered for a farewell meal to say goodbye and thank you to Alison who for the past four years has been a presence at Lunch Club every Tuesday, run a monthly 'Fellowship Hour' and a number of 'Holiday at Home' events which have been very much appreciated.

Alison was presented with an inscribed vase, money to buy flowers for the vase, fancy tea bags, a tea bag squeezer and a Blandford mug as well as a jigsaw which had a picture of cats on it (Alison likes cats) and a Ticket Master voucher for the theatre.

Greta, one of the Lunch Club ladies, made a fantastic cake and decorated the top with tiny teacups, a plate of sandwiches and sausage rolls. Around the base was inscribed 'Best Wishes for the Future'. Alison thanked everyone for their kindness and said she was looking forward to working in London at Methodist Central Hall but would miss all the folk at Lunch Club, who she has got to know so well.

After lunch, tea and cake was served to those who wanted to stay and say their personal goodbyes to Alison.


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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