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Blandford-October Fellowship Hour

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image 20191008what is it01image 20191008flower quiz01image 20191008leaf quiz01

For the October Fellowship Hour those gathered played the 'What Is It Quiz'. There were twenty numbered brown bags each containing something collected from the home. The items ranged from a peg to a cocktail stick, from a toffee hammer to a rubber egg.

To guess what each bag held, you had to feel the outside of the bag moving your fingers around the shape contained within.

In the first ten minutes you could have heard a pin drop, the concentration was so intent – then as recognition dawned the facial expressions were a picture to behold. There were a lot of imaginative guesses, a lot of laughter and two successful winners.

To round off the hour, those gathered had a go at a 'flower and leaf quiz'. When the answer sheets were marked we realised that the knowledge of flowers was far greater than that of leaves.


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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