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Blandford's Away Day

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We had a beautiful sunny day when twenty of us gathered for our away day on 14th April at the beautiful premises at Holtwood Methodist Church.

We began with refreshments and some fun games. Then we spent some time discussing our aim and values, focusing on our four key values of; caring, embracing, challenging and giving.

Lunch was provided for us by Holtwood – we are very grateful for their welcome and hospitality, and were definitely well fed!

In the afternoon a relaxed time was had by all with a choice of either going on a walk, or for the less energetic a selection of games and newspapers was provided.

The day was rounded off with afternoon tea and a time of closing worship, accompanied by the first outing of the Blandford Music Group.
A great time was had by all.

Please click on the photos to enlarge.


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

Visitors Today 0 / March 141

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Responding to the gospel of God's love in Christ