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Café Church at Wimborne

August's Café Church was centred around the theme of Weaving Our Stories: thinking about the stories that shape our lives and our faith, through the various patterns of our days.

The congregation were invited to have a go on a very simple scarf loom or try their hand at knitting or crochet. Alongside this, everyone was invited to paint images on strips of paper that represent their life, the life of the church, or of the community. (See pictures below.)

In addition, there were bible verses to discuss, a biblical quiz to challenge each table, plus songs and prayers which helped complete the structure for morning worship.

Once the paint was dry, all the strips of paper were woven together and framed to form the back drop for our communion service on the 1st September.

Our next café worship will be held on 17th November, which will be led by the Revd David Vincent.


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

Visitors Today 10 / December 30

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Responding to the gospel of God's love in Christ