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Circuit Advent Service 2022

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From our Lead Circuit Steward, Joyce Wild:

As Oliver Twist sang in the musical "Oliver", "Food glorious food", so at Ringwood Trinity on the first Sunday in Advent there was on offer a feast of goodies from rice pudding to apple crumble , strawberry gateau to cheese and biscuits with everything in between to delight the taste buds after Sunday lunch.

With all appetites sated, we then decanted into the church for the service, which was spirit led, extremely uplifting and with a sense of unity felt amongst the folk gathered from the different churches.

Led by Peter Aston, the musicians, and the choir we sang lustily to an excellent selection of advent hymns. I feel sure we caused the rafters to be raised as worshipped the God we adore.
Interspersed with the hymns were Bible readings and reflections that drew out the meaning of Advent and encouraged us as Christians to be productive whilst waiting for Christ’s return.

Rev Mike Shrubsole led the last reflection. With the aid of a paddle that displayed a question mark like the one used in the TV programme QI, Mike proceeded to ask us several questions relating to second coming of Christ. To which every answer was, “ We don’t know”. At the end of his reflection Mike suggested we substitute the beginning of each verse of the hymn "I Cannot Tell" with, “We do not know”.

Like all events teamwork was the order of the day. So, I would like to say a big thank you to Trinity church who kindly availed us of their excellent premises, and beautifully decorated church. To Mike, Louise, Alison, and Jackie who set up and cleared away after the event. To all those who donated a pudding. To Peter Aston who organised the service as well as playing for us alongside Phil, Chris, and Nick. Finally, to the choir Stephanie, Shirley, Elaine, Rod, and Richard for their leading of the singing and to Nick, Pauline, and Mick for providing the reflections.

For me it was pleasure to be involved in such an event. And I pray like me you are waiting for the next one. Every blessing Joyce


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