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Exciting News!

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nick  suzannah wood

Stationing of a new Minister to our Circuit

Statement from Liz Ward, Lead Circuit Steward:

Although we did not have a match in round 1 of the stationing process to find a Minister for Nigel's churches, we did have one for round 2. Therefore, last Saturday we had a virtual visit from Revd Nick Wood to see if it would be a suitable match. At the end of the day the Circuit Invitation Committee invited Nick to join our circuit as from September 2021. We are delighted to tell you that Nick accepted our invitation. At the moment Nick and his wife, Suzannah, are in the Poole Bay Circuit.
Please remember them in your prayers during the coming months as they prepare to join us, and also Rhoda and Nigel as they prepare to leave.


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

Visitors Today 30 / February 181

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Responding to the gospel of God's love in Christ