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First Crib Service

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On the afternoon of Christmas Eve, excited children, accompanied by parents, grandparents and interested members of the community, made their way to Wimborne Methodist Church for a Crib Service.

The children were all very involved, and started by decorating figures of all the characters and animals in the Nativity Story. Deacon Alison McMillan then retold the story, and the children brought their characters to the front to arrange in a large empty stable, until the complete tableau had been assembled. At relevant points, the story was paused, so that suitable carols could be sung – Little Donkey, Away in a Manger and Come and Join the Celebrations.

The afternoon concluded with refreshments. This was the first time this church had celebrated with a Crib Service, but judging from the warm atmosphere over tea, it will not be the last!


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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