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Folk Festival at Wimborne 2019

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Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th June saw the arrival of the Folk Festival in Wimborne Minster. The weather could have been kinder as there were several heavy showers on the Saturday, but this did not dampen the lively atmosphere of the Festival. Whilst the town was full of music, dancers and spectators, the Methodist Church provided a haven of relative peace. Refreshments were provided all day long in the Coffee Lounge with light lunches served upstairs from midday. There were plenty of stalls to tempt people into buying items, and music was provided by the Ukulele band and by Henry on the organ. Our local MP, Michael Tomlinson, visited us and spent time chatting to people and listening to the music. A newly formed Care Team for the town of Revd David Vincent, Deacon Alison McMillan and Mrs Di Browning (all from the Methodist Church) called in during their break. The proceeds will go to the Millstream Theatre (a local group for people with disabilities) and the Methodist Church. More pictures can be found under the Gallery tab.


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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