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FPZ Shoes for Zambia

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Message from Barry Gransden, Chair of Trustees, FPZ:

"Please accept our huge thanks for your generous response to the Shoe Appeal. It is a fact that the response has far-exceeded our wildest hopes.

So overwhelming has been the response that we have had to rethink how to transport the shoes to Zambia and whilst that issue is being urgently investigated, we have the immediate challenge of storage. The original thoughts were to ship the shoes via barrels relying on a Swindon-based firm to collect the barrels for a container in UK, before shipment to Kabwe. Given the volume of shoes, that will prove to be prohibitively expensive.
In discussion with our colleagues at the school in Kabwe, they have assured us that they have sufficient secure storage for any surplus. So, the shoe donations will not only meet the immediate need but also for a year or two into the future.
So, much to thank God for and we ask you to join us in prayer for a solution to storage and shipment. We are confident that Our Lord will provide.
Thank you again for all your support

Barry Gransden"
Please see the Information about the Christmas Quiz to raise funding for the transport.
Photos of shoes collected at Wimborne Methodist


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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