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marjorie shearing

God given talents abound in the Christchurch and Wimborne Circuit and below are just two snippets of how they are being used to bless others.


Holtwood held the second of their Breakfast Church sessions at St James school, Gaunts Common. Present were 28 adults and 17 children with 14 families now on the emailing list. Those attending were treated to a Pentecost special, commencing with a yummy breakfast followed by energetic songs, drama from the Open the Book Team, activities that stimulated young minds and then an excellent talk by Rev Nick Wood who using a selection of visual aids and spoke in an understandable way about the power of the Holy Spirit that came at Pentecost. A great time was had by all.


Isn't it funny what the results of a chat over a cuppa at coffee morning can bring about. A little bird told Rev Nick Wood that a certain organist had been playing the organ at church services, weddings and funerals for over 70years.
Amazed at this Nick felt that a certificate would show appreciation for this commitment. However, his first route into procuring the said object was no longer available, having closed many years ago.
Undaunted Nick then wrote to the Chair of Conference explaining the situation and was able to hand Marjory a signed personal letter from Rev Gill Newton and Deacon Kerry Scarlett Chair and Vice chair of Conference. However, Nick still felt a certificate was the way to go so he produced one himself, printed it off and framed it.
At the end of the communion service at Woodlands on Sunday 19th May, Mrs Marjorie Shearing was asked to leave the organ and come and sit at the front of the church. Nick then presented her with the letter, the certificate, and a beautiful hydrangea from friends in the congregation.
Earlier in the evening Margorie had commented that there were several of her acquaintances in the congregation who didn't usually come to the services thankfully she didn't cotton on as to why they were there.
Congratulations Marjorie – you good and faithful servant.


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Revd Andrew Pottage

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Responding to the gospel of God's love in Christ