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Hi Ten's Challenge to us all

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A Message from Wimborne's Hi Ten:

"Hi Ten have continued to meet all through the various lockdowns by keeping in touch on Zoom. Our group, for children over 5 years old, with their parents and families are now able to meet on the church premises again, using the foyer downstairs, which is much nicer and we get a real buzz in the evenings. We meet on the third Friday of the month from 6.15 to about 7.30 pm. It is our current practice to begin with a fish and chip supper!

Are you concerned about what is happening to the environment?

Many of the world leaders have been meeting at the COP26 summit on climate change in Glasgow.
Against this background and television programmes presented by people such as David Attenborough, the Hi Ten families have been thinking about the amazing world God has given to us and all the damage to the environment caused by human activity such as the increased use of fossil fuels, deforestation and plastic pollution.
We want to play our part and so we have all challenged ourselves to do something to help. We have made a poster from the kinds of bits of rubbish that could end up in landfill or in our oceans. On this poster we have listed some of our challenges and we would like to invite each member of the congregation to take part in a challenge too.
Please do look at our poster, which is on the Hi Ten noticeboard above the sofa in the foyer, and let us know if you plan to take part.
Jennifer Jenkins and Margaret Shortall"

The challenge is reprinted for you by clicking the PDF link below


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Revd Andrew Pottage

Visitors Today 5 / January 161

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Responding to the gospel of God's love in Christ