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Highcliffe Harvest Festival 2019

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Our harvest this year at Highcliffe was a feast for the eyes, and nose. The church had been beautifully decorated, thanks to a number of the ladies. The smell of fresh bread on the communion table percolated round the front of the church.
Deacon Glenda Sidding led the service with her theme "Fruits of the Spirit" which included both modern worship songs and hymns led by the Music Group and traditional harvest hymns led by the organ. Bible readings from Matthew, Galatians and Ephesians reminded that the Fruits of the Spirit are: Love, Joy, Peace, Forbearance, kindness, goodness and faithfulness. Two members of the congregation told us of their own Fruit of the spirit along with two members of the ministry team.
Glenda showed us something that no-one had ever seen before: the centre of an apple and offered us a choice of the fruit or the seeds which could bear more fruit in the future. Seeds were also the theme of the "All We Can" video about potatoes in Ethiopia. Part of the offering will go towards that project, while the tins and dry produce will be sent to the Christchurch Food Bank and the fruit and vegetables to the "Water Lily Project café on Barrack Road.
Following the service, a wonderful bring and share lunch was enjoyed by all, prepared by the kitchen team under the guidance of Jean Davies.
Thank you to all who contributed in any way to making Harvest a wonderful celebration.


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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