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Introducing Future Pillars Zambia

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Several churches in the circuit have supported CONTESA over the past 12 years – and people have knitted hundreds of green jumpers!

We celebrate the founding of CONTESA and its achievements and we are sad that circumstances mean that the time has come for CONTESA to wind up on June 30th 2017. But the need is still there and currently over 1000 children a day are being given hope, nourishment and a means to move from poverty to a better and sustainable future for themselves and their families through CONTESA projects. The children are part way through the school year at Kabwe and funds are urgently needed to continue feeding, school and skills without disruption to their programmes.

So five of the trustees have taken up the challenge – to start a new charity to continue the work following the cessation of CONTESA.

The new charity will be called FUTURE PILLARS ZAMBIA, combining the names of two of the projects – Family FUTURES Community School and Family PILLARS Training Centre.

Thank you for all that many of you have done to support desperately needy children in Zambia over the past 12 years and we hope that you will feel able to continue your generous support through FUTURE PILLARS.

A website is being constructed but in the meantime, if you would like a Donation Form OR if your organisation (Methodist or otherwise, within the Christchurch and Wimborne area) would like a talk/presentation about this charity,
please use the contact details below: – 01202 824339 – UK Registered Charity number 1173534


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

Visitors Today 30 / February 181

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Responding to the gospel of God's love in Christ