Did you see the initial flight landing at Milford on Sea International Airport?
Well not really, but if you were on the Village Green on Bank Holiday Monday 6th May you would have seen a Cessna 150 aircraft parked there to promote the work of Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF).The event had been arranged in conjunction with Christians Together in Milford on Sea and Everton and despite the weather there was a steady stream of interested residents and visitors who were able to sit in the pilot's seat and to try their hand at landing an MAF plane using their flight simulator.
MAF is the world's largest humanitarian air operator. For over 75 years it has been flying light aircraft over jungles, mountains, swamps, and deserts. It has enabled more than1,400 aid, development and mission organisations to bring medical care, emergency relief and long-term development. MAF's pilots and personnel deliver relief workers, doctors, pastors, schoolbooks, food, medicines – everything that can only be safely and speedily delivered by air. Its faithful supporters give and pray to make this all possible.
For more information check out MAF's website at https://www.maf-uk.org.
On the previous day, representatives of MAF had given presentations at All Saints', St Francis of Assisi RC Church and the Methodist Church and there will be another at the Baptist Church in June.
The wonderful support that residents of Milford give to charities once again came to the fore as an amount well in excess of £1,000 was raised for MAF's work over the course of the weekend.