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Mocktails at Blandford

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On Tuesday 20th August, seven of us gathered after Lunch Club for our monthly Fellowship Hour. This time we were making and sampling a selection of Mocktails.

There was great hilarity as folk chopped, squeezed a variety of ingredients such as lemons, limes, ginger, cucumber, mint and basil. Not to mention one or two funny faces when we tried our various concoctions.

I am afraid the Virgin Mary, an alcohol-free Bloody Mary, went down like a lead balloon. Whereas the Driver's Punch and the Tropical Fizz were a resounding success. Even the Cucumber Blackberry Mocktail Spritzer was rather nice.

We used cocktail shakers to mix the Mocktails, but unfortunately before we could try the Ginger Limeade the shaker exploded, and the contents ended up on the Hall floor.

When it came to the Raspberry Lemonade not one of us could open the bottle of sparkling water, so instead we used the soda water that had already been opened which definitely spoilt the delicious raspberries.

A fun hour was enjoyed by all. We might even try the Driver's Punch at next week's Holiday @ Home.


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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