From 10.30am on 23rd November 2020
It was with sadness for the MWiB District Committee to have to cancel the Celebration Day last October, but they will not be defeated. A small group met and decided to record a shortened Celebration Day to be sent out through YouTube. With a lot of help from those who know how, in particular to Nick Carter in Romsey, a service will be launched on YouTube on 23rd November at 10.30am. This is the link you can use to watch:
The poster gives all the details and you are invited you to use this individually or in your local church.
We invite you to be imaginative as to how this can be shown to those who are unable to link into the internet. Here are a couple of suggestions you might find helpful when this lockdown is over:
Have a few friends round and watch the service together;
Show the video at a socially distanced meeting at your local church.