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New Message from Pauline

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24 March 2020

Dear Circuit,
It would be an understatement to say we are living in a strange period.
As we see and hear on a daily bases these are extraordinary times and we have not seen anything quite like this in any of our lifetimes.
As you will all know by now we cannot meet for worship and indeed our church premises and all our church activities are closed for the foreseeable future.
This letter comes firstly with my thoughts and prayers for you all and particularly for those of you with worries for yourself or others at this time. Many of you will have already found information about worship opportunities that are offered on websites and the information that The Methodist Church has been posting. I and indeed the rest of the Circuit Leadership team are encouraging you and holding the Circuit in prayer, to keep your faith and trust in God and to encourage you all during these difficult times.
We have seen many acts of selfishness during the past few weeks. People panic buying, with no regard for others. Nevertheless, there are many ongoing acts of kindness too; pastoral care for friends, family and neighbours.
If you are in pastoral need of any kind please contact your Minister or pastoral visitor direct by email or phone.

  • Lord God, we remember your presence with us and offer ourselves to you in Faith, Hope and Love.
  • We believe in your power, both to heal and to save; we pray that your will may be done, in us and through us.
  • We hope in your promises; we pray that we may be made worthy of them.
  • We pray for all those needing to carry on working for the good of others.
  • We pray for ourselves, for one another and for all humankind, that we may serve you faithfully and in all things seek your glory, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Every Blessing


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Responding to the gospel of God's love in Christ