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Welcome Service for Revd Pauline Crispin

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Wimborne Methodist Church was packed at the evening service on Friday 30 August to welcome the new Superintendent of the Christchurch and Wimborne Circuit, Revd Pauline Crispin. The service was arranged and led by the Circuit Leadership Team, with Revd Dr Andrew Wood, Chair of the Southampton District, preaching the sermon. The enthusiastic singing was led by a Worship Band comprised of many musicians and singers from the circuit.

In addition to her new role as the Superintendent of the 15 churches in the Circuit, Pauline will also have pastoral charge of Wimborne, Blandford and Colehill churches. The church was filled with members from across the circuit, together with the Town Mayor of Wimborne, Cllr Shane Bartlett, and the MP for Mid Dorset and North Poole, Mr Michael Tomlinson in attendance, and there were numerous ecumenical clergy from Wimborne, Blandford and Colehill present.

After the Presentation and Promises, led by Revd Andrew Wood, with responses by Pauline and the congregation, all the visiting dignitaries were invited to personally welcome Pauline with a few well chosen words. The service ended with the rousing hymn "Guide me O thou great Jehovah" and this was followed by refreshments on the premises.


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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