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"Our Feet to Their Feet"

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Please donate a pair of shoes that you no longer wear for a school child in Kabwe, Zambia.
Shoes should be suitable for school wear, outgrown or no longer required, for children aged 4-17 (but teenagers often have adult-size feet !!)
Many of the children walk to school bare foot, but a few do have some very old shoes, as you can see in these pictures! Please take the shoes to your church by the deadline of 31st October.

ABOUT FUTURE PILLARS ZAMBIA – This is a UK-based charity (Reg. Ch. No. 1173534), set up to support a school in Zambia -- The Family Future Community School, Kabwe, Central Province. FFCS caters for pre-school children to senior secondary (ages 4 to 17). These children come from three shanty compounds, and most are vulnerable and orphaned. FPZ raises funds in UK to provide a midday meal and education to these 1000 children.
We aim to empower these vulnerable children, so that they may become the "Future Pillars" of their society. They are so keen to come for their education that many of them walk long distances in bare feet to reach the school. So we are asking for outgrown shoes for these children – Our Feet To Their Feet – and we are asking you to consider this challenge. Your gift will make a huge difference to the life of a child, enabling their journey to and from school to be more comfortable which will also enable FPZ to achieve its aim. Of course, we are aware that many families are currently struggling in UK, and where you live is probably no exception, so we are not asking for any financial help. FPZ will fund the shipping costs to get the shoes to the children in Kabwe.

Church Stewards: please arrange to store shoes until the end of October, then display them and take a photo, perhaps with some of your donors, or helpers, or children from your church.
Then phone Barry Gransden (Trustee of FPZ) on 07398 264762 or Becky Gransden on 07398 264759 who will arrange collection from your church.

On Saturday 27th November, FPZ is organising another Zoom quiz – "Warming Up for Christmas". Please keep the date free and more details will follow, nearer the time. All proceeds from the quiz will go towards the shipping costs of getting the shoes to Zambia.
With grateful thanks,
Barry and Becky Gransden


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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