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A peacock at Wimborne!

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This magnificent representation of a peacock, made entirely of edible fruit and vegetables, was created by a member of Wimborne Methodist's flower arrangers, as a focal point for their Harvest Festival service on Sunday 16 September.

Several trustees of the Future Pillars Zambia (FPZ) charity were welcomed to the service. Revd Gwyneth Owen is one of these trustees and the church supports the charity in a great variety of ways. You may remember that eight church members took part in a sponsored walk in the summer and raised just over £7,000. The treasurer of FPZ gave an update on the work in Zambia, especially the food programme, illustrated with slides and videos. Gwyneth said "This meshed very well with our harvest focus this year to support the local food bank."

In front of the pulpit in the church was a tower of food tins and packets, which this week have been donated to the Wimborne Food Bank. The service was followed by a simple lunch, and donations for this amounted to £545, also for the Food Bank.

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Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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