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Queen Elizabeth II

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Queen Elizabeth II

It was with a profound sadness that we heard of the death of Her Majesty the Queen this week. Our sadness at the loss of a Monarch who, for the majority of us, is the only Monarch we have known, is however, tempered by the thankfulness with which we recognise the immense role she has fulfilled in the life of our nation, the Commonwealth and the wider world. 

At the age of 21, the then Princess Elizabeth made a vow of lifelong service. An enormous commitment for one so young. As we look back at the Queen's life however, we can see that this vow has been fulfilled in in a way that even she might not have thought possible at the time. The Queen's life has been an example of humble service, devotion, and self-giving love, in response to a call on her life which she never sought, but which she recognised as a responsibility that she had to meet. Her open confession of her Christian faith, being the underpinning strength in all that she did, has been a wonderful witness to us all. We in the Christchurch and Wimborne Methodist Circuit offer our thanks to God for our late Queen, and a life well lived. 

We also offer our sincere condolences to the Royal Family who will keenly feel the loss of a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, and pray that the God of love will surround them and comfort them in their loss, and strengthen and sustain them in the days, weeks and years to come. 

We ask God's blessing on our new King and pray that his commitment to the role of the Monarch will be a fulfilling experience for him, and for those who he will serve in this demanding role. 

God Save the King.

Revd Pauline Crispin.
Superintendent Minister, Christchurch and Wimborne Methodist Circuit.


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