Special services for a special time!
My Dear Friends,
We approach together the glorious morning. The night is past and the day of resurrection has come, in the words of Psalm 30 "weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning", this is truly a morning of joy. Despite the pain of separation we may be feeling or the fear and anxiety of the days in which we are living -it will pass. Hope, embodied in Jesus Christ, overcomes the darkness. On Sunday morning our cry will be: Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!
I suggest you watch the "video" clip first thing on Sunday morning and later, at 10.30am, we will "gather together" from our homes and share in the celebration and worship by using the Worship at Home sheets.
My prayer is that you will be blessed on this resurrection day, in a new, fresh, transformational and powerful way than ever before; that you will meet the risen Christ, that He will be with you, never leaving you, giving you life in abundance, all the days of your life.
The worship sheets are here
You can watch Phil's video here