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Methodist  Circuit

Services for 29th March, Week 5 of Lent

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There are full scripts of various Services and Scriptures for this coming Sunday 29th March, prepared for different churches across the circuit, but you are very welcome to read any of them.

Revd Pauline Crispin has prepared a service for Sunday 29th March, week 5 of Lent

Please follow this link: https://Sunday 29 March

Revd Phillip Dixon has prepared a Worship at Home service for his churches

Please follow this link: P Dixon Worship at Home

Dr Christopher Slade has prepared a service which he would have used at Crowe Hill.

Please follow this link: C Slade, 29 March

Revd Janice Morgan has prepared an article on today's scripture reading:

Please follow this link: J Morgan, Sunday Scripture


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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Responding to the gospel of God's love in Christ