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Trip to Guildford Cathedral

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guildford cathedral

The annual outing of the Wimborne Open Forum took place on Friday 14 June, and this year the trip was to Guildford Cathedral. 38 people enjoyed a smooth ride to the Cathedral and we arrived in time for coffee and biscuits in the Refectory Café. Our time was then our own for a couple of hours to explore the modern Cathedral at our leisure.

Returning to our coach we made the short journey to Alton House Hotel for our lunch – a delicious meal in a large airy room overlooking the gardens.

The weather was uncertain all day, but we managed to avoid the heavy showers and it was a really enjoyable day. Our thanks go to Brian for booking the coach, and to Di for making all the other arrangements.


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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