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Video & Worship @ Home, 13 September

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My Dear Friends,

Our second week in the Creation Time series brings us "Creation Disrupted". Our passage for today is Matthew 8: 23-27: Jesus calming the storm and it is totally appropriate for today when we face many storms of confusion, fear, loss and pain.

The coming of Jesus and the miracles that accompany him is the "disruption" we focus on and we recognise that his presence with us today, in this time of unfamiliarity, brings calm and peace. We are blessed by the Chris Tomlin song "Water you turned into wine (our God is greater) from the Highcliffe music group and also the introductory graphics produced for us by William using the song Indescribable, Win kindly reads the Bible passage.

Please consider forwarding this email to a friend or family member who may find it helpful to make the connections between the storms of life that we face today, Jesus, and the beautiful yet damaged world in which we live. As we begin to add a physical element to our resources by meeting in our buildings (Highcliffe Wednesdays and Sundays and Bransgore currently fortnightly on Sundays) I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that all of these four worship elements, namely: the Worship at Home sheets, the video, the Bible study and the physical gathering are complementary to each other, meaning that engaging with all four (allowing for those who for medical reasons cannot attend the physical gathering) is not a duplication but each week is your richest and deepest way to gain the full picture of God's work in and through us.

May you be blessed in our worship of God together,

See the Worship at Home sheets by clicking here

See the Bible Study notes for the week by clicking here


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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Responding to the gospel of God's love in Christ