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Video & Worship @ Home, 14 June, Revd Phillip Dixon

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My Dear Friends,

Welcome to the second week in our preaching series on Paul's letter to the Galatian churches. As last week, the video clip is provided as the main preaching for the service, the preaching notes on the Worship at Home sheet are an accompaniment to this and go wider and deeper. May I suggest watching the video clip at the point indicated on the Worship at Home sheets and then reading the preaching notes. However, as always, please use these resources as best suits your circumstances and available technology.

The Bible study that we send to you on Mondays enable you to consider the Sunday passage in even greater depth, thank you to our home group leaders who are producing this for you, from your comments I know that it blessing many of you.

We recently sent you an email concerning our new discussion group "The Prayer Course", if you have not yet signed-up, please look again at the email you received last Wednesday and select one of the options on that invitation.

My prayer is that you will be blessed by making use of all of these resources and that we will "gather together" on Sunday morning and "enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise, be thankful unto Him and bless His name" (Psalm 100:4).

Yours as ever, in Christ Jesus.

Worship at Home sheets for 14 June, click here


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