My Dear Friends,
Welcome to our worship service for Sunday 17th May. As before, I suggest that watching the video clip first is a good preparation for our 10:30am "gathering". I hope that, like me, you are being greatly blessed by our weekly journey through the book of Acts. My sincere thanks go to our home group leaders who have added to our blessing with the short studies they have written enabling us to go deeper into the passages of scripture we use each Sunday.
A consistent and series based use of scripture, an ever building message each week, supplemented by preaching notes, a short video clip and a related Bible study are showing us a different way of worship, elements of which we may want to continue in the future. Please pray for your church leaders as we work together, seeking God's will for us in the coming days and months. Be blessed today in your praise and worship of our Lord Jesus Christ as we consider Obedience and Discipleship in the book of Acts.
Yours in Christ,
You can access the Worship at Home sheets here:
Watch any of the video clips again on the YouTube channel here: