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Video & Worship @ Home, 29 November, Revd Phil Dixon

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My Dear Friends,

As we prepare to enter this year's Advent journey I am very pleased to let you know that in addition to our Sunday videos we have also produced for you some "Advent Specials". With this email you will see that we have included a "Chrismon" service led by Deacon Glenda Sidding.

Both the Advent Sunday morning service and the afternoon/evening Chrismon service are set to "Premier" on YouTube on Sunday 29th at 10:30am and 5:30pm respectively, meaning that they will be available to watch "Live" at those times (as we would if we were in the building gathering for a certain start time) and thereafter they are available to watch anytime on YouTube again at your convenience.

Our Sunday morning Advent service will include each week a minute or so of: "What Christmas means to me" courtesy of the evangelist Canon J John's Christmas initiative "Share Christmas". Our singers are joined by the Bransgore Community Church for "Light of the World", William has produced an excellent opening sequence and I know you will be blessed by the very visual and appropriate version of "Come Thou Long Expected Jesus". Thank you to the very many people, behind the scenes and in front of the camera, who have contributed to these resources.

Be blessed as we provide you with worship resources that, God willing, will ensure that this Advent of 2020 is memorable for far more than just a pandemic.


See the Worship at Home sheets by clicking HERE

See the Bible Study notes for the week by clicking HERE


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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Responding to the gospel of God's love in Christ