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Video & Worship @ Home, 30 August

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My dear friends,

This Sunday, as we worship God in Spirit and Truth, we celebrate the saving work of the RNLI. This much loved charity is so relevant to us living (as most of us do) on the south coast of England and they have a question for us: "will you help your lifeboat crews keep going through a crisis?" My prayer is that our answer is yes; through highlighting their work, praying for them and if you are able, helping them financially.

Our video clip includes our preaching, three much loved worship songs, a prayer and Bible reading from the local RNLI President and a short clip emphasising the work of the RNLI. There is no Bible study this week as we prepare to begin a new exciting series next week: "Creation Time".

May God bless you as we share in worship together with these resources.


Worship @ Home sheets are HERE


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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Responding to the gospel of God's love in Christ