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Video & Worship @ Home, Revd Phil Dixon

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My Dear Friends,

As we begin 2021 I am sorry to say that for the safety of us all and in recognition and support of the massive national effort to control the spread of the virus we are temporarily suspending our "on-site" gatherings. All the more reason for us to gather virtually "as one" and to make use of all of the resources that are available to us. At this time of New Year and new beginnings I encourage you to prayerfully consider joining one of the three virtual "discussion and support" groups that are open to all and also the Zoom prayer meeting every Tuesday morning. Please contact me for the joining details.

This Sunday we are joining with the Magi as they seek "the child who has been born king of the Jews" (Matthew 2:1-12). You may recognise the opening sequence that has been provided by the BBC/Bible Society series "The Nativity". Elaine Gilhespy reads the Gospel lesson and we have a very evocative and powerful version of "We three Kings" from Holy Trinity Eastbourne.

Be blessed in our time together as we, with the Magi, kneel down to worship, opening our treasure -which is our hearts.


See the Worship at Home sheets by clicking here

See the Bible Study notes based on the Methodist Covenant prayer by clicking here


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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Responding to the gospel of God's love in Christ