My Dear Friends,
Welcome to the fourth week in our series: "Discipleship Lessons from the gospel of Luke". This week, using Luke 10: 1-24, our title is: "It's all about Mission" and Jesus gives us a "Masterclass" on the subject. Much has been written over the centuries about mission but we can do no better than learn direct from Jesus himself.
Our worship video begins with singing "God of the Poor", Nicola Dunn reads our passage from Luke's gospel and Preacher Chris Slade is our speaker. Following our preaching we will join together to sing, "The Spirit lives to set us free." I encourage you to use the Worship at Home sheets as well as watching the video, you will no doubt have developed your own routine over these past months but I personally find it helpful to begin with the worship sheets and at the point of reaching the Bible reading I watch the full video and then return to the service sheets. The Bible study this week is written by Kathy Mathew and is provided to enable us to "go deeper" and discuss it in one of the on-line discussion groups. Please contact me for more information about how to join one of these groups.
Be blessed as we use all of these resources to worship God, bring us closer together as a fellowship and join with these first disciples of Jesus in learning some very important lessons about Christian mission.
See the Worship at Home sheets by clicking here
See the Bible Study notes by clicking here