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Wimborne Celebrates!

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busy coffee lounge and cake stalljemima phillipswimbornes town crierdeacon alison mcmillanhappy faces2open forumoil and waterglow clubrainbows1rainbows2happy faces1wimborne39s o

The weekend of 29 September to 1 October saw the church building alive with activity as we celebrated the opening of our refurbished premises and the 50th anniversary of the current church being built.

On the Friday morning, we hosted a Big Macmillan Coffee Morning, raising just over £450. Our thanks go to all who supported this event.

In the evening we had a Musical Concert starring the Polly Morris Band and the former harpist to HRH Prince Charles, Jemima Phillips. A packed audience was treated to a truly memorable feast of music.

Our Open Day on Saturday was brought to order by Town Crier, Chris Brown. After a couple of speeches, the refurbished premises were opened by Mrs Norah Moore who started the coffee lounge 50 years ago. Displays from groups who use the church premises and wonderful singing by the Rainbows and Happy Faces (for babies and preschool children) were a real highlight. Mark and Mo's mandolin melodies were magnificent, too.

The church was packed on Sunday morning when the service was led by our ministers Revd Gwyneth Owen and Deacon Alison McMillan. We were delighted that the Mayor of Wimborne, Cllr Terry Wheeler and his wife Pauline, and the Chair of EDDC, Cllr Derek Burt and his wife Janet, were able to join us, together with church members past and present. A lunch and quiz ( team winners -"The Band of Pilgrims") followed the service, after which Methodists went home to rest!

Over the weekend there was music, food and laughter and well over £3,000 was raised for Future Pillars Zambia, a charity that provides food, education and life skills to one thousand children and young people.

The last image on this page is a video of some of the proceedings, just click the arrow to begin the playback. Many more photos can be found on the Gallery (Wimborne's Anniversary Weekend) of this website, or on the church website:


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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Responding to the gospel of God's love in Christ