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Wimborne's Farewell to Gwyneth

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Revd Gwyneth Owen, Minister at Wimborne, retires this month (June 2019), after ten years spent in Wimborne. There was a packed church on the morning of Sunday 16th June for her last preaching service. At the close of the service, Gwyneth was presented with a bespoke card containing a cheque, with thanks for all she has done whilst in Wimborne, and in recognition of the fact that she will be greatly missed. She also received a basket of flowers, beautifully arranged by one of the church members, and a framed photograph by Roger Holman of "Eyebridge Sunrise", to remind her of one of her favourite hymns – "See, what a morning". The good wishes of all the congregation go with her as she retires.

The service and presentation was followed by a delicious lunch for over 90 people, prepared and served by volunteers from the church. Donations for the meal will be going to a charity of which Gwyneth is a trustee – Future Pillars Zambia – empowering vulnerable children in Zambia.

Please click on each image for the full size photo. There are plenty more photos on the Gallery page.


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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