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Wimborne's Light Celebration

Wimborne held their fourth annual Light Celebration on Monday 23rd October. We aim every year to show that there is an alternative to Halloween and to share that Jesus is the Light in our world. As with all our 'Celebrations' a good number of local families attended with over 30 children of varying ages. Some photos are shown below to give you a flavour of the afternoon. We made lanterns and pop-up candles which we waved as we sang 'This little light of mine' walking around the sanctuary. The second part of the Celebration focussed on the story of Jesus and Zacchaeus. Just as Jesus brought 'light' into the life of Zacchaeus so we aimed to bring some 'light' to everyone present. All the children made a picture of the story to take home as a reminder. We concluded by bringing our prayers to God using our parachute. As always, we ended the afternoon with a delicious tea. Many thanks to everyone who helped in any way. We could not hold these events without your support – so thank you. Joy Morling and Jan Vincent


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Revd Andrew Pottage

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Responding to the gospel of God's love in Christ