My dear friends,
Many people find this Sunday and its words of covenental commitment a challenge. All of this week's resources will help us discover the amazing truth of a dedicated and selfless relationship with God. The response of the people when hearing the covenant of God is, "All the words that the Lord has said we will do and be obedient" (Exodus 24:3). However they were not obedient, they were selective about scripture and we learn of the cycle of disobedience, consequences, repentance, recommitment and back to disobedience. Jesus brings (and is physically) the new covenant, the better covenant (see Hebrews 7:22 and 8:6) and all who enter into it will receive the better promises of God.
The video opens up a discussion about "fruitfulness" and helps to discover what Jesus is really saying to his disciples (both then and now) about faithfulness and perseverance. Our worship song is "Trust and Obey" which I think you will agree is appropriate for the subject. I encourage you to use the Worship@Home sheets and read the preaching notes which bring more perspective to the subject. With thanks to "Roots for Churches" for the study on the Covenant Prayer.
Next week we begin a new four week series called "Come and See".
With God's blessings,