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Worship resources for Sunday 21st November

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Revd Phil Dixon: for Worship Sheets, for Video and for Bible Study.

Dear brothers and sisters,
Mission is often spoken of as a separate activity from the life of our church, something that is optional. You may have heard the phrase "a missional minded church" the opposite would be "an un-missional minded church" which of course sounds ridiculous. Much like saying a "generous church" versus a "stingy church," surely, to be a people who faithfully gather to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and live out His teaching is to be the church (with no prefix), which must always be missional and generous at its very heart, after all, isn't that what the church exists for?

The apostle Paul had such a high and idealised vision for our church, a place of conversion, repentance, reconciliation, forgiveness and sanctification, a place to meet and worship, with our "hearts blameless in holiness before God" (1 Thess. 3:13) and "presenting you holy in His sight, without blemish and free from accusation" (Colossians 1:22). When we physically cannot get involved in God's mission outside of the walls of our church, to the ends of the earth -or our street corner- we must enable and resource those who can, as partners. That is what we do today, commissioning before God, the work of "Mission Partnerships". Introducing Jesus to our local school children, releasing young children from abject poverty in Tanzania through a local church and supporting persecuted Christians in places like Afghanistan. It puts our processes of church control and regulation into their proper place. Please engage with the resources through watching the video with two excellent worship songs, the Worship sheets and the Bible study.

You do not need to be a member of Highcliffe to be involved in supporting this work, please contact me for more information.

With God's blessings, your fellow labourer in the gospel,


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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