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Worship resources for Sunday 31st October

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Revd Phil Dixon: for Worship Sheets, for Video and for Bible Study.

Welcome to the fourth week in our series, "The Renewed Christian Character" using Paul's letter to the church in Thessalonica. This week we reach the pinnacle of our Christian faith as we consider "Hope". Christian Hope is the confident expectation that what God has promised will certainly be fulfilled. We use 1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:11 which speaks of those who have died in Christ, the personal and visible coming again of Jesus as an actual and expected event and the taking up of those in Christ, alive at the time of His coming. It is challenging because it reminds us of the the hopelessness of those without Christ and the criticality of making a commitment of following Jesus and living a life -with Christian character- pleasing to Him.

The worship song which concludes this week's video is a beautiful offering from Vivien and Coraine singing, "To be in Your Presence". Norman Bonnett writes our Bible study and the Worship sheets contain prayers, preaching notes and additional worship songs.

As I write these words on Saturday morning I feel I must depart from my normal format and ask for your prayers for our dear sister Nicola who lies critical in hospital following a serious medical incident. Nicola is a Local Preacher who has taken an active part in these worship resources over the past 18 months and is an enthusiastic encourager of all that is being done to bring God's Word in Truth and Spirit. In many ways the truth of Paul's words, taken as they are direct from the gospel of Jesus, are a comfort for us in times of trial.

Be blessed as we worship God and share together in the promise of an eternal life, forever safe and joyful in the presence of God.


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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