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Harvest Lunch

harvest meals

Harvest Festival

We held our Harvest Festival service on Sunday 8th October when people

attending were invited to bring along donations that could be passed onto the

New Forest Basics Bank.

A wonderful array of packets and tins of food along with a variety of toiletries were

collected and below you can see one of our number, Pete, delivering five crates of

items to the New Forest Basics Bank hub in Lymington.

After the service, we held a Harvest lunch which was enjoyed by all of those who


The profit from the lunch along with other financial donations enabled us to make

a payment to the New Forest Basics Bank of £105.50.

Not wishing to ignore other places around the world where there have been wars

and natural disasters we also managed to raise £175.50 for All We Can's

Emergency Relief Fund


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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Responding to the gospel of God's love in Christ