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Compassion UK

Compassion is unique in that it is: Christ centred, child focused and church-based.

Compassion's aim is to link children who have desperately poor backgrounds with a loving local church and a caring sponsor. Children are supported in four key areas of development: physical, emotional, spiritual and economical.

Each child is given personal encouragement through letters and prayers and is supported from childhood to adult hood. The whole family benefits with food on the table and in other ways. Currently Compassion supports 1.7 million children in their program and they partner with nearly 7,000 local churches in 26 countries.

  • Each Sponsored Child receives:
  • The love and prayers of a local church.
  • Medical checks and nutritional support.
  • Vocational training.
  • Letters and photos from sponsor translated into their own language
  • Through their own local church, children have a Bible or age-appropriate portions of scripture which enables them to hear the gospel.

We hope to sponsor a good number of children through the personal commitment of individuals. In addition, using church funds we will commit to support financially a much needed long term project in the same area/ village that our sponsored children live. Individual contributions can be made through an envelope system. The East African country of Tanzania has emerged as our country of choice. Tanzania is one of the poorest countries in the world with an increasing population. There is a lack of proper education, severe and life-threatening diseases such as TB, HIV/AIDS and Malaria. 30 million people have no access to clean water particularly in the rural areas and lack of employment is common because there is little access to proper education.

We shall keep you updated and focused on our project in Tanzania and ask you to prayerfully consider a commitment to sponsor a child and change that child's life by making them feel loved and cared for and in so doing shine the light of hope. See their work by clicking here

We have a dedicated webpage that gives details of the children that are awaiting a sponsor. Click here, select Tanzania from the country list and see who is waiting for you to release them from the crushing poverty that limits their futures.

From the additional funds raised from the weekly giving in "Mission Envelopes" to May 2022, £400 will be allocated to Compassion to support the Child Survival programme in Tanzania.

Child Survival Programme

The project aims to support vulnerable mothers and babies in their community by launching a child survival intervention. Through this support, mothers are provided with vital healthcare, trained in the nutritional benefits of exclusive breastfeeding and taught income generation skills to provide for their families. This intervention will enable mothers living in poverty to give birth safely and empower them to take control of their future. Significantly, it insures the children get a better start in life. The project ensures that mothers and babies in Tanzania don't just survive-but thrive!

Mokpokpo's Story:18 months ago, Mokpokpo was pregnant for the first time. The person responsible for her pregnancy had abandoned her. She had no money for prenatal visits. She couldn't make ends meet.Thanks to the Child Survival initiative, she was taken care of by Compassion's partner in the seventh month of her pregnancy. All the expenses--from the hospital care to her delivery--were paid for by the programme.This was incredible because Mokpokpo has sickle cell anaemia. It means she has a higher chance of preterm labour and other complications. During her delivery, she had a cesarean section. Again, all the expenses for her and her baby were paid for by the Child Survival programme.

Thanks to the teachings she received, she has learned a lot: how to read and meditate on the Bible, how to raise a child to be obedient and how to be an independent woman. A Child Survival staff member visits her at home to share the lessons. She trains the women how to take care of themselves to have better health, how to breastfeed their child, plus advice on hygiene, nutrition, and planning. The programme also helps them with food and hygiene kits. Mokpokpo now thanks God for the lives of the leaders from the Child Survival initiative and the help she has received.

Click  here  to see the latest (Q3 2022) report on the Child Survival Project that we are supporting with our prayers and finances.


Registered Charity No. 1148455

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Revd Andrew Pottage

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